Network Effects -- Flywheel effect

Impact of Network Effects on an Enterprise

The rise of big companies has been, in part at least, attributed to the network effects that their products have built over time — where a product becomes incrementally useful as more users join the network. At its core, the theory suggests that every marginal user creates value for every other user and provides enough […]

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What Does it Take to Achieve Positive Work Life Balance?

On 5th November 2020, the Indian government had removed the registration requirement for Outsource Service Providers (OSPs). It had also removed BPO’s from the ambit of OSPs’ rules.  This welcome change follows in the wake of one of the world’s strictest lockdowns in India. It meant that companies could do the transition to remote-working smoothly. […]

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Perfromance Feedback

The Tricky Performance Feedback Conundrum

In 2015, researchers Johnson, Rocheleau, and Tilka conducted a study to determine the impact of positive or negative feedback. Some members of the group received positive feedback throughout a task while others got negative. Contrary to intuitive perception, both teams performed on a similar level. The improvements, even for subsequent tasks, were similar between both […]

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Importance of weak ties in the workplace

Making Casual Friends: The Importance of ‘Weak Ties’

Interaction of Weak Ties Humans have always been social animals. The need for belonging has been ingrained in them from when humanity first wrote history. In 1995, two researchers, Baumeister and Leary, proved that. They said that if humans don’t feel like they belong, they experience lower physical and emotional well-being. This feeling of ‘belonging’ […]

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